Thursday, 30 October 2014

Tagged | One Lovely Blog Award

Thank you ItsMehNinss for tagging me to do this post. I don't typically do tagged posts, but for a change of scene, this is a lovely idea. Honestly, I find it difficult think of facts about me that others might find interesting but here it goes...

The Rules Are: 

-You must display the award logo at the top of the post
-You must thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog in your post

-You must add this set of rules to your post so that your nominees will know what to do
-You must add 7 facts about yourself into the post
-You must nominate 10 other blogs and leave links to each of them in your post
-You must let the people who you have nominated know that they've been nominated
-You must follow back the person who nominated you on BLOGLOVIN

7 Facts About Me:

1. I am currently at University studying Art and Design :)

2. I've had my blog eaudebloglette up and running for over a year. (Yey!) I still get excited by seeing that people have read my posts (and yes, I fangirl quite a lot if someone comments).

3. I'm a massive bookworm (Frankenstein is one of my favourite books).

4. I really want to study abroad in my third year of University - destination still unknown.

5. I love tea. #TypicallyBritish

6. I keep telling myself I'll learn guitar… someday… 

7. … same goes for learning a language (oops!)

I nominate…

The lovely:
Dinosaur Dances, I Am Emma Wilde, Style Enhance
and anyone who would like to do this tag :)

Follow on Bloglovin

Monday, 27 October 2014

Top 4 | 'All Over' Eyeshadows

If there's one thing I love more than anything, it's effortless makeup. Sometimes the morning just isn't long enough to do a full face of makeup and this is where my love of 'all over' eyeshadows comes in. By this I mean you can sweep these over your eyes, add a little mascara and you're pretty much good to go. Minimal effort, but looks very pretty and chic when done correctly. 

Over the years, I've definitely found my favourites and I'm always discovering more, but for now, I'll show you the ones I'm loving the most right now (who knows, Autumn could bring a whole load of new shades for my stash!)

Friday, 24 October 2014

Review | Glossybox October 2014

If there's one thing I could say about this box, it's 100% worth it with regards to value for money. My Glossybox this month was packed full of extremely high priced products. I'm not even sure how Glossybox managed to pull this off, in all honesty. Sometimes they really like to surprise me with the sheer amount of high priced good they include - and believe me, it's been quite a while since that last happened. Often I find myself wondering whether to keep up my subscription and then they give me a box like this one and it rekindles my love for Glossybox all over again. 

Read on to find out what I got this month (it's a good'un)…

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Review | Birchbox October 2014

This months Birchbox is incredibly pink in theme with their awareness campaigne for Breast Cancer. It never really occurred to me that one little box could be so helpful in spreading such a large message. I honestly believe using Birchbox as a means to raise awareness is a wonderful idea. 

I really enjoyed this months box (not only for the theme) but for the colour - I like pink - and the products included. Some were a little on the different side, while some edge more on the traditional makeup box theme. Read on to find out why I loved this months box… 

Monday, 6 October 2014

Battle Of The Boxes | Glossybox vs Birchbox September 2014

As usual, I'm looking at which box I loved more out of Glossybox and Birchbox, granted my review and comparison is late (I'm trying - and failing - to catch up what I've missed lately). The September boxes were a mixed bundle of great products and slightly disappointing ones too. With these boxes, it is very hard to please a large number of people. My argument to that, however, is that the box-selling companies need to be a little more thorough with their assessments of their customers. If I could opt out of nail varnishes, I would. As that's not an option, I will continue to pass them over to other members of the family. One thing I will say is that in all honestly, I know exactly which box will come out on top this time. Here's why...

Friday, 3 October 2014

Review | L'Oreal Color Riche L'Ombre Pure Mono Eyeshadow

I still consider these relatively new to the market, even though I purchased my L’Oreal mono-eyeshadow many, many months ago. Since then, I’ve experimented with this eyeshadow greatly and absolutely loved it! It’s such a beautiful colour that can be used as a base, inner-eye highlighter and has many, many more uses to be discovered. Today I'm just looking at one colour in particular called 'Gold Mania' (500), which is a beautiful and highly pigmented shadow.